Years and years ago I went to a Christmas mass at this place with my parents. It's a beautiful church, and I'm a big fan of the Jesuits, so it's tough for me to see that it has to be sold. I hope the parishioners can find an alternative decent church to go to, and that whoever buys the place keeps it in good shape.

I've been to Mass here too. I'm so *sure* the make-up of the congregation has nothing to do with the decision to close the Center.
I dunno...I mean, the Jesuits don't hate the gays. Times are tough for the Catholic Church in Boston, and this may truly be a case of just not having the money to maintain the place. If there were gay churches closing everywhere I'd be humming a different tune, but this is the first one I know of to shut its doors.
The interior doesn't LOOK gutted. What was the article talking about?
Good question...maybe the photo is a result of a gutting, and they did a really good job on the redesign of the interior?
Or the picture dates from before the renovations.
Or even though they won the court case, they didn't go through with their plans because of a lack of funds or a lack of public support.
Or "gut" in this case actually just means "tear out one section of wall in the vestry in order to install a wheelchair ramp and elevator" or something like that.
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