Sting Rays 1, Humans 10
This is like something out of The Onion. Unbelievable. What are these people thinking????
"Stingrays Multilated After 'Croc Hunter' Death"
This story, on the other hand, did not surprise me:

WHATEVER! The story goes on to say that veterans of the Gulf War have much higher levels of illnesses in general than other veterans. Doesn't this tell them something? Just because there isn't a specific pattern of symptoms in all of these veterans doesn't mean the syndrome doesn't exist. Hopefully someday we will find out this syndrome's cause.
Basic epidemiology show there is some correlation and most like direct cuasation with serving in the Gulf War and suffering from illness. There is also a lot evidence that many children born in Iraq since the Gulf War have increased birth defects and high rates of pediatric cancers, most probably due the depleted uranium in anti-tank weaponary.
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