Dan Grabauskas: silenced!
Have any of you T commuters out there noticed anthing missing from your commutes? An ever-present voice that used to tell you to say something when you see something? Ever since the death of T-Radio, I've noticed that the voice of Dan Grabauskas no longer wafts through every T station. I can only assume that Dan finally realized that publicly associating himself with the MBTA would make him possibly the least popular person in the metro-Boston area. Certainly, now I don't say "Damn that Dan Grabauskas" as much as I used to. It's a good move on Dan's part to create an MBTA that is a faceless bureaucracy; drawing so much ire from the commuting masses couldn't have been too good for his self-esteem.
Update: No such luck - I heard the "see something, say something" message at Harvard Station last night. Wishful thinking!
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