Bald convention
What a horrible time for me no have no picture space available on my camera phone...this morning across the way from the East Boston Courthouse. There were at least 50 guys with their heads shaved, dressed rather nicely with ties and shoes and everything, all pretty young, in their mid-twenties. They were just milling about, chatting, whatever. Then shortly after I walked by an officer escorted them all across the street and into the courthouse. Could they have been law school students who in preparation for their tour of a city courthouse decided to simultaneously shave all of their heads? Where they a group of skinheads going on trial? I have no idea, but it was a pretty funny sight - you don't often se so many shaved-headed men all in the same place at the same time. It's too bad I have no photo!
I got my laptop today, and now I'm not sure what to do with it. It looks like I probably will not be taking a class (though I haven't totally decided on this), so I'm left with prospect of finding a use out of something I haven't needed for something like the past god-knows-how-many-years. I'm trying to convince myself that it'll be great to be able to use a computer out of the office, but I'm not a very good saleman on that point. It will come in handy, no doubt, but for what I'm not sure of yet.